LAL! use tween! LAL! the drawing could have been better! LAL I can do it for you! LAL!
LAL! use tween! LAL! the drawing could have been better! LAL I can do it for you! LAL!
What's the problem ?
not to be mean but....
alright! I gonna give you some little tips. use sprites and drew a lot better or donĀ“t drew anything. just sprites. and use layers and you have to mask every time someone get stabbed. and that shotgun should have got broke not reflecting bullets like the thompson. and the floor was bleeding when he throw that grenade
please use sprites
and have some blood in it
It was funny the animation was good and the backgrounds. and I love when the train comes 2 times
your almost as good as krinkels
I liked how you shorted everything out and when the bacgrounds was placed together.
if only they were madness......
it was good animaton but the characters were ugly. you shuld have normal madness. Cause you do madness very good.
pretty good for your first madness
flash better then my first flash. :P
he had like a million shtos to that DAO-12 they only have 12. but cool anyway
cool short!
please make more like these shorts. cause the are cool!
If i'm not, then what am I?
I don't feel good.
The worst ever!!
Sweden. my house, duuh.
Joined on 11/10/07