lol. weird in the beggining and then....... DAD IS CUMIN FO YOO! lol. I want an M-16 too! :'(
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lol. weird in the beggining and then....... DAD IS CUMIN FO YOO! lol. I want an M-16 too! :'(
the intro was nice but then..... bwuah! it sucked he killed them like he killed the others and way to bad sprites and don't use that kind of music in madness. and don't make stupid cartoons. it looks like a joke or something else bad.
kinda laggy
and fade the text in so it on the first frame it is 000% alpha and tween like 10 frames later to 100% alpham but else it was good
good action script but
you probably just copyed them and the pasted them. and then there was bad sprites. make sure to use real madness sprites next time. and improve in drawing. and the sprites was absolutely NOT good! to be honest: they sucked. not any point in watching this or playing it. I find it completely useless. so there wasn't any good guns or and items. keep trying ut download sprites from tasers.
could use some gore
but if it was it would have mild voilence :P
nice programming you have there
it was good programing and nice graphics so, I hope it will pass.
why so long?!
why did you submit it after 4 years????! but it's awsome especialy the begining.
sound kinda strange
good reminds me of a weird dream I had..... but it sounds like someone is farting and peeing.
If i'm not, then what am I?
I don't feel good.
The worst ever!!
Sweden. my house, duuh.
Joined on 11/10/07