learn to animate or don't animate. anyway it was kinda smooth......
learn to animate or don't animate. anyway it was kinda smooth......
cool one ;P
everything was awsome but it was laggy on NG and tween the text. so it's look like its coming slowly.
suitable for all audiences?
isn't it supposed to have excencive violence? or somethimng...........
it was pretty funny even it was on of your first submissions. the blood wasn't as good as madness. but anyway, Good job you've earned my 9 and a 5
wow dude!
you're freckin awsome man! and good that you mixed it with overkill and hitman. and ass face? where did you got that idea? it was awsome, not to fast not to slow just perfect! it should have fronpage and daily first! the graphics was cool as hell(even if hell isn't that cool) but what do I know? It's in my favourite now. good job, cant wait for the next one!
ummmmmmm........ use guns melee weapons and not those morons who ``walked´´ behind the bakery....and how could those give it a ten!!!!!??????? and drew something cuz you might be good who knows....... and ther was no easter egg. and it cuold'nt be your first flash cuz you could make links to the internet.(but it isn't hard anyway......) and don't use so much movie clip or use them IF you tween them( if you know how you do that.. and the reason that I gave you 2 was because I felt sorry for you. anyway....hope those advices might help you! and good luck with future works.
it was my first flash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im not submitting test movies
I guess you're pretty good.....
Aou shuld practice the moving a bit. and increase the frame rate and more defeualt guns and some more blood and details, and tween it a bit. Any way good job! ;P
you´re good at making dad. please make more with santa and dad and the others
please make more ! cause it was goood animated and smooth moves and funny! and poor stickman. :(
If i'm not, then what am I?
I don't feel good.
The worst ever!!
Sweden. my house, duuh.
Joined on 11/10/07